Collectively, this Website and all of the services available and/or accessible via this Website shall be referred to in these Terms and Conditions of Use as the "Website Services."  The terms "we" or "us" or "our," when used in these Terms and Conditions of Use, shall mean Washington Trust Bank.

These Terms and Conditions of Use govern your use of the Website Services.  By using any of the Website Services, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions of Use. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use, you are not authorized to use the Website Services.  We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add to or remove portions of these terms at any time. Please check these terms periodically for changes.

We hereby grant you a limited right to use the Website Services solely for your personal use in connection with your account(s) that you maintain with us.  We may revoke this right at any time in our sole discretion.

The entire content (including, without limitation, the text and look and feel attributes) of the Website Services are copyrighted by our third party providers or otherwise constitutes the confidential and proprietary information of such third party vendors.  All rights are reserved.

You are fully responsible for the use of  and all activity originating from your password, whether authorized by, known by you or not, and for the protection of your password. You agree to immediately notify us if you become aware of any of the following: (a) loss or theft of your password; (b) unauthorized use of your password; (c) any other information which you believe compromises the security of the Website Services.

You acknowledged that Internet and e-mail communications are not confidential.  It is possible that information transmitted to us via the Internet or e-mail may be read or obtained by other parties.

Because of the marked increase in the fabrication and proliferation of computer viruses affecting the Internet, we want to warn you about infections or viral contamination on your system.  It is your responsibility to scan any and all downloaded materials received from the Internet.  You agree that neither we nor our third party vendors are responsible or liable for any damage caused by such hazards.

The Website Services may provide links to other websites for your convenience in locating related information and services.  Neither we nor our third party vendors maintain any of these other websites and have no control over the organizations that maintain these websites or the information, products, or services these organizations provide.  Although We believe that the information from these organizations is reliable, neither We nor our third party vendors guarantee their accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose. Accordingly, We and our third party vendors expressly disclaim any responsibility for the content of these other websites, the accuracy of the information on these websites and/or the quality of products or services provided by the organizations that maintain them.  Neither We nor our third party vendors recommend or endorse these organizations or their products or services in any way. You are prohibited from linking to these Website Services from any other website, from framing any of the materials on these Website Services, and/or from suggesting any affiliation or endorsement between us or our third party vendors. You may print copies of the material contained in these Website Services solely for your internal use in connection with the services provided to you through the Website Services and solely in accordance with these terms and conditions.  You are expressly prohibited from selling; distributing; copying; amending; modifying; posting; transmitting; uploading; or similar action regarding the material in the Website Services including: graphics; text; content; logos or the like.  Further, you are prohibited from engaging in unlawful use of the Website Services, and shall be responsible for any such unlawful use.

Please review our Privacy Policy which is accessible via the link on the Website.

Email is an important communication channel for our Website's visitors.  We will use your email address and the content of any email for correspondence purposes and to meet our legal and regulatory requirements regarding customer communications.  On occasion, we may use your email address to send you communications with information about service and product information that we believe may be of interest to you.  If you do not want to receive such unsolicited communications from us, simply send us a message to this effect.

The information available via the Website Services is presented "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" without express or implied warranties, including but not limited to, implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.  We and our third party vendors expressly disclaim any liability for errors and omissions regarding the information and materials available via the Website Services.  We and our third party vendors make reasonable efforts to avoid technological problems, but neither We nor our third party vendors are responsible for any technological problem with the Website Services or your use of the Website Services, and will not be liable for any impact these problems may have on you.  You are solely responsible for the hardware, software, or other technology you use to access the Website Services. Reference, pricing, or other financial information regarding an asset may be made available via the Website Services.  Neither We, our third party vendors, nor any third party from whom such information is obtained, guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness such information, and neither We, our third party vendors nor any third party from whom such information is obtained shall be liable to you in any way for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of such information.

Under no circumstances, including, but not limited to, negligence, shall We or our third party vendors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential or other damages that result from the use of or inability to use the Website Services, even if We our third party vendors or any of our respective authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages.  You understand and agree that you have no relationship with our third party vendors, and any and all claims that you may have in connection with the Website Services are solely against us, and subject to the terms of our agreement with you.  In no event shall our or our third party vendors' total respective liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for access to the Website Services.  You shall indemnify and hold harmless us and our third party vendors from and against any and all claims, damages, liability and/or costs relating to you or your agents use of the Website Services.

We reserve the right to terminate without notice to you your access to the Website Services in our sole discretion, including without limitation, for overuse or abuse of the Website Services.  The laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania govern the Website Services in all respects, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.  Any disputes or actions shall be initiated and resolved through Pennsylvania courts.  You must destroy all materials or copies of materials obtained from the Website Services upon termination.

We welcome your feedback, but please understand that anything that you send to us, including ideas, suggestions, proposals, etc., will become our property without any right of compensation and you hereby waiver any claim therefore.





The terms "we" or "us" or "our," when used in these Terms and Conditions of Use, shall mean Washington Trust Bank.

These Terms and Conditions of Use govern your use of Online Trade Request.  By using Online Trade Request, you signify your assent to these Terms and Conditions of Use.  If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use, you are not authorized to use Online Trade Request.  We reserve the right, at our discretion, to change, modify, add to or remove portions of these terms at any time.  Please check these terms periodically for changes.  (Further, the Online Trade Request is a component of other website services that may be made available to you by us.  These Terms and Conditions are therefore in addition to, and not a replacement of or modification of, other Terms and Conditions of Use applicable the website services made available to you by us.)

You are permitted to use Online Trade Request solely to submit to us a request to submit for execution certain trades of assets in your account(s) that We maintain and/or manage on your behalf.  You are fully responsible for every trade request submitted through Online Trade Request under your password, whether authorized or not, and you hereby agree that neither We nor our third party vendors shall have any liability related to the submission of any trade request submitted via Online Trade Request under your password.

Access to Online Trade Request may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, system upgrades or maintenance or for other reasons.  If Online Trade Request is unavailable or delayed at any time, you agree to use alternative means to submit your trade request to us.   Neither We nor our third party vendors will be liable to you if you are unable to submit a trade request via Online Trade Request or otherwise take any other action via Online Trade Request.   You acknowledge that, a trade request will not be reviewed before being routed to an exchange for execution unless we have agreed to review the request for you.  You further acknowledge that you will not have the opportunity to ask questions or otherwise interact with us with respect to the request.  By submitting a request via Online Trade Request you assume any added risk associated with the fact that your request may not be reviewed and that you will not have an opportunity to ask us questions or otherwise interact with us in connection with the request.  

You will be able to submit trade requests only in connection with those assets which are properly set up in connection with Online Trade Request and for which We have authorized you to submit trade requests.   If you are uncertain as to the assets for which you are able to submit trade requests, please contact us.

In order to submit a trade request for an asset, this asset must be properly set up in connection with Online Trade Request.   If you desire to submit a trade request for an asset that has not been set up, you must follow our asset set up process in order to set up the asset. You should allow ample time for the asset set up process.   Please contact us if you have questions regarding the asset set up process.

Please note that Online Trade Request processes all trade requests based only on the CUSIP number /Trading ID that you provide or select in connection with the specific trade request.   By way of example, if you provide the correct name or ticker of the asset that you want subject to the trade request, but then select the incorrect CUSIP number/Trading ID for that asset, Online Trade Request will not process the request based on the name or ticker of the asset.  It will process the request based on the CUSIP number/Trading ID provided.  Accordingly, you must confirm for each request that you have provided or selected the correct CUSIP number/Trading ID of the asset that is the subject of your request.

Trade requests are only processed on business days on which the relevant market is open.  In order for a trade request to be submitted for processing on a given business day, you must submit the trade request by the cut-off time applicable to the asset that is the subject of the request. The cut-off times are available from us and subject to change.  You should check with us periodically for changes to cut-off times.   Trade requests submitted after an applicable cut-off time, including without limitation, requests submitted on a weekend day or holiday will be considered transmitted by you for processing on the next available business day. 

Please note that simply because a trade request is submitted for processing before a cut-off time on a business day, this does not mean that the trade that is the subject of the request will actually be executed on the business day on which the trade request was submitted.   Delay in execution could occur for any number of reasons, including, by way of example only, early market close, batching of trade requests, administrative and other reviews by us, asset set up process, and incomplete or incorrect information.  As a general matter, trades will be submitted for execution at the first available trading time applicable to the trade at issue on the business day when all necessary information is received, the subject asset is properly set up, and all reviews and approvals have been completed and secured.  

You acknowledge that when you submit a trade request We will only review those trade requests which We have agreed to review for you.  You accept full responsibility for any trade requests that you place via Online Trade Request.
You acknowledge that there may be delays in executing the order that is the subject of your trade request, and there may be differences in the price you expect to receive for the asset that is the subject of the request and the execution price you actually receive for such asset.

You should review the information available via Online Trade Request to track the status of any trade request submitted via Online Trade Request.

You acknowledge that it may not be possible to cancel or change a trade request submitted through Online Trade Request.   If you attempt to cancel any trade request after it is submitted for processing, We will endeavor to cancel such order, but cannot guarantee that We will be able to do so.   Neither We nor our third party vendors will be liable to you if we are unable to cancel any trade request before it is executed.   If a trade request cannot be cancelled or changed, you are bound by the results of the original request. 

You are responsible for ensuring that you have adequate funds in your account to support any trade request.  If you overdraw an account as a result of a trade request, you may be subject to interest, fees or other consequences.  Please consult with us in this regard.